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Offline Tizzy  
#141 Posted : Monday, October 13, 2014 7:34:10 PM(UTC)

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1) Tom getting bigger? We sort of assume Rupert will. Hmm, hadn't thought of that, he could end up being 18 or 20 feet tall! Not sure though if the first conjuring fixed his height or not. Good question.
2) I think a lot of people are going to assume he is bigger than a 4. A lot of people are going to want to know the secret of what he did. That's almost as useful as Lenamare's book.
3) You really are brilliant! Can't argue with that. Of course, I can't tell anyone what I know about the Concordenax, I have a great line on that topic, but I won't get to say it until at least book III.

Offline Maou  
#142 Posted : Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:48:30 AM(UTC)

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Do you possibly know the ages of some of the demons in story, and if so could you please list them in chronological order. I really want to know some of these ages as you Tizzy seem to be quite old. Which is good for a demon. It shows either strength, intelligence, cunning, guile, stealth, or luck. Normally not luck, but luck does help quite a bit. The more of the others you have the less luck you need to survive, luck is kinda like a multiplier in that respect.

Edited by user Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:50:20 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#143 Posted : Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:11:54 AM(UTC)

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I am old, and I can testify as to luck. Helps a lot.

I can't tell you the name of the oldest demon in the book as she would certainly cook my privates over a hydrogen flame...let's just say, she had this epic romance and then break up when her husband cheated on her with this '(rib) bone headed' other woman.

The demon princes(es) are clearly the oldest demons, and generally power and age go together.

if you look at the timeline, you can see Exador is probably a few thousand at least. Ramses is over a thousand as well, and he didn't just pop up that way....

This Bess person I've never met, so no idea how old she is.

Boggy is some 400+ years...he says exactly (or at least how long he's been a demon)

Antefalken is a lot older than he looks. Check out the timeline for some Antefalken's Reack on the map is named after him...really long, really old story...

Otherwise, I sort of have trouble remembering. I don't think anyone is over a billion years old though...vast majority are several hundred to several thousand

Cthulu is really old, but I think he's technically a god, as are his poker buddies, like that guy who gets really pissed when you mention his name, no, not that piss ant snake nosed Voldemort...who isn't even a demon...just a necromancer...and not THE NECROMANCER (the one that had the rings made) who I have mentioned before...he's really old too...but again...not sure if he counts as a demon...

Offline Rosver  
#144 Posted : Monday, October 27, 2014 4:06:53 AM(UTC)

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That's almost as useful as Lenamare's book.

Tizzy. How can it be useful when it can't be opened? Not to mention, the contents is a mystery... or it is not a mystery to you? You writen it or something?
Offline Maou  
#145 Posted : Monday, October 27, 2014 5:27:54 AM(UTC)

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The fact that so many people want it is useful in itself. The value of an object is determined by the people. Water is really cheap next to a f.w. lake, but priceless in a desert.
Offline Rosver  
#146 Posted : Monday, October 27, 2014 12:33:45 PM(UTC)

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You might got things confused. Usefulness is a different from value. A necklace might have big value both monetary and sentimental but it has very limited usefulness. A knife however is very useful though it is very rare that one would be of great value to someone. Also your example: water is very useful. Cooking, cleaning, bathing, cooling, paper making, dyeing, etc. makes it one of the most useful substance, whether you have a lake or only a canteen of it. Its scarsity or availability doesn't change its usefulness.

Edited by user Monday, October 27, 2014 12:35:59 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#147 Posted : Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:01:08 PM(UTC)

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Apparently a lot of people who know what this book is, or think they do, think it is useful.

the problem is, they just don't know how to open it. They haven't been able to hack the lock on it. Of course, even if they get it opened, it will probably be encrypted text etc.
Offline Rosver  
#148 Posted : Friday, October 31, 2014 2:06:00 AM(UTC)

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Well, it is still unopened, so useless. Very much like water in a locked safe is useless for a thirsty man who can't open it.
Offline Madfox11  
#149 Posted : Friday, October 31, 2014 9:01:42 AM(UTC)

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Not entirely useless, several powerful people really want it. Still a bit surprised Tom just gave it away. I always get very suspicious when powerful people who don't care one bit about others start fighting over something. My first instinct is to try and destroy it... than again, I might have travelled too much in worlds like Greyhawk, Toril and Cerilia.
Offline Tizzy  
#150 Posted : Friday, October 31, 2014 4:41:03 PM(UTC)

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I don't think Tom "gave it away" he didn't even know it existed. Jenn thought it was her diary, until she discovered it was locked and realized it was Lenamare's etc.

It would make sense for Jenn to return it, since she worked for Lenamare (so to speak) and she knew he needed/it wanted it. All part of the team thing.

Also it's not clear that at first, the students knew why Exador was invading, they thought it was a land grab or other political move.

Offline Rosver  
#151 Posted : Monday, November 3, 2014 5:45:39 AM(UTC)

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Wanting something doesn't make that object useful.

Well, at least in this book, Lenamare's book is essentially a macguffin, a plot device. It do no other purpose than to drive plot. It might be of more use in latter installments but not here.
Offline Tizzy  
#152 Posted : Monday, November 3, 2014 10:17:00 PM(UTC)

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Yep. But aren't all books simply a method of sharing and advancing a plot?

Offline Tizzy  
#153 Posted : Monday, November 3, 2014 10:17:54 PM(UTC)

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Except maybe for phone books...they have great casts, lots of characters, but not a lot of plot....
Offline Rosver  
#154 Posted : Tuesday, November 4, 2014 12:01:15 AM(UTC)

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Well, Lenamare's book is a very specific kind, its a macguffin. Essentially an object/person that the characters covet but do no actual thing in the plot. Its main purpose is to make the characters move. Many examples abound: the fountain of youth (many fantasy stories especially ones about the knights of the round table), pokemon badges (pokemon franchise), Kidnaped children/son/daughter (many stories like The Great Mouse Detective). All these things do is provide something for the characters to acquire which, adding some antagonist, creates tenion and conflict. Otherwise it have no other great purpose.

Well, I do know a phonebook do become a plot device. Remember Terminator? Terminator robot killed the victims in accordance to phonebook listing.
Offline Tizzy  
#155 Posted : Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:38:06 PM(UTC)

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You mean like the Holy Grail, it doesn't actually do much except send knights on quests, starts wars, sacks cities, etc.

Seems like a really powerful Artifact of Evil if you ask me. Remind me not to drink from it, even though it was filled with blood at one point, so would otherwise be tasty.

I don't remember the movie you speak of, I don't get to see too many movies, I don't get to Earth very often.

However, I was on the one plane of existence ran by robots, who needed my assistance in ridding themselves of these human vermin, so I helped them program these time traveling killer robots that coincidentally, they called Terminators.
Offline Rosver  
#156 Posted : Thursday, November 6, 2014 4:05:27 AM(UTC)

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Yeah. I make a mistake at that one. Holy grail, not the fountain, though the fountain is a macguffin.

And. Uhhh. I think you just become somewhat too conceited!
Offline Tizzy  
#157 Posted : Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:24:57 PM(UTC)

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JUST became conceited?

Why thank you, most people assume I was just born conceited. It's been a long journey and struggle to get my ego to its current heights!

Offline Rosver  
#158 Posted : Thursday, November 6, 2014 11:05:36 PM(UTC)

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I thought people assume you are crazy, mad, insane. Well, conceited seems to be more awesome than mentaly unsound when your a demon. Though if I was a demon, I liked to be a devious one.
Offline Tizzy  
#159 Posted : Friday, November 7, 2014 2:23:17 AM(UTC)

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Ah, but what if my "craziness" is just an act?

What if I am completely sane and pretending to be insane and nonsensical to lull everyone into a trap!

No one thinks the crazy guy did it! Crazy guys are always harmless and cuddly, you know like Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger!

Two of the sweetest, most playful people I've ever met, and they are also batshit crazy!

"Slowly I turned, step by step..."
Offline Rosver  
#160 Posted : Monday, November 10, 2014 10:18:48 PM(UTC)

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Really? I though it was your coping mechanism. There are things more worse that being a bit insane. Also if you think about it, everyone is a bit insane in some way or another. Some are just more adept at hiding it than others.

Well, people say you are unsound but, from what I can see, you are quite sane compared to say Exador and Ramses. Maybe it is because they are powerful demons that make people zipped their mouths (except Lenamare) and their power makes other people more tolerant of their craziness.

The two is nothing compared to you!
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