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#21 Posted : Wednesday, February 25, 2015 1:16:32 AM(UTC)

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Oh and FYI, that's a picture of Asmodeus from ADD Monster Manual (original, first edition)

That's how famous he is! They've even heard of him in Greyhawk!
Offline Rosver  
#22 Posted : Wednesday, February 25, 2015 6:01:40 AM(UTC)

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I'm taking this at evolutionary standpoint. And from evolutionary standpoint pleasure and happiness isn't a purpose. It is about survival. Eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, sex is all survival first pleasure second. I could actually say the same thing about eating and drinking for demons.

Also, sex IS for procreation. You don't need sex for intimacy and sharing... which is against the nature of demons. Nor do you need it for fun and pleasure. Just like eating is for nourishing, and drinking is for hydrating. Yes, they are pleasurable too, but they existence doesn't come to be because of pleasure. There is an actual need for them. Take them away; say if humans can't breed, eat or drink; and they would cease to exist. Not the same with demons. No eating? Just fine. No drinking? They won't die from thirst. No sex? Who needs babies?

In fact, indulging in them primarily for pleasure results to multiple of problems. Eating for pleasure causes various problems like being overweight, gout and malnourishment. Drinking? Common cause for traffic accidents. Sex is a bit more insidious. The most pressing is the spread of diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV/AIDS. The less acknowledged problem is infertility which is quite ironic.

Also, I thought that demons don't feel pain. That what you feel is just illusion. In fact, its quite difficult to make demons feel pain. You could hit a demon with a four by four and it would not even tickle. It really required great effort or special abilities to be able to hurn one of them, even to weak ones.

Also how would booze and drugs affect demons? I mean, demons have very different physiology from other creatures. They don't even have real body for Pete's sake. Then how could booze and drugs even have effect? Don't you think that just sounds absurd?

@The Author Guy

Well, when we first meet Antefalken, he stated that he is 753 years old. Chapter 33.


Thanks. I'll check it out.

Edited by user Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:33:40 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Madfox11  
#23 Posted : Wednesday, February 25, 2015 1:03:03 PM(UTC)

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In all fairness Rosver, sex is a great way for demons to manipulate mortals ;)
Offline The Author Guy  
#24 Posted : Wednesday, February 25, 2015 10:07:02 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Sweet, thanks on the 753...I had a terrible time finding it again. Suspected he'd said it but couldn't find the exact number.

On the sex part, jumping in since Tizzy isn't around. Assuming that the majority of demons were once adult humans, they would have known about the pleasures of sex and wanted to recreate it in their demonic life. And clearly, the summoners being fascinated by the dark side of sex and violence, which demons are the personifications of, they too would expect demons to be sex fiends. Notice the term "sex fiend" it's not as theoretical as one might think.

Sex and the temptation of sex is a huge part of human morality; in fact a cornerstone of it for many religions. If demons are all about corruption, sin, temptation and the darker passions of mankind, then demons are almost required by their very nature to be sexual beings, and in particular they represent unbridled sexuality with out the fear of pregnancy.

Sex for anything other than procreation is a sin in many simpler religions (including the older catholic church teachings--and some today) thus demons must be all for it.

You can't expect a demon to be the poster child for lust and damnation, if they don't practice it.

But again,not all demons are that sexual.

And, I have to say your discussions on other pleasures are practically foreshadowing a significant story line in book ii. (not sex per se--but your associated arguments) I.e. I actually have quite a bit to say about this in book ii--as I do with demons and sex regarding the Incubus.

Of course on the other hand, reversing 180, I think the point you might be making Rosver is this: Tom doesn't seem to have much interest in sex. Well maybe without a pressing need, and having no biological need to have sex, it just isn't something he's thinking about. No hormones, no real sex drive. Other demons, who've been around forever are seeking passions/diversions to spice things up. Tom's life is spicy enough without such unnecessary distractions. I think that's a valid point.
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#25 Posted : Thursday, February 26, 2015 3:57:04 AM(UTC)

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Yes. That is what I meant. I actually think that they just use sex for terror, like what Tizzy did with his accursed master, or gain favors.

Glad I could help... though I'm kinda worried as to why you have to track the number. Is something wrong?

Edited by user Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:39:19 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline The Author Guy  
#26 Posted : Thursday, February 26, 2015 5:22:33 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Not immediately, but I've been thinking a lot about "Tales of the Demon Bard" and his history and also what Antefalken knows and doesn't know about history.

he's a bard, so he knows a lot of history, but how much has he experienced? Or happened during his lifetime?

We know, for example, that he composed the the Battle of Vizenheim, so presumably he was there.

But would he have been around, or known about, the last time the Rod surrounded Freehold to stop a demonic invasion in 1226, 768 years ago, apparently not. :)
Offline Rosver  
#27 Posted : Thursday, February 26, 2015 8:31:44 PM(UTC)

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Huh? Bards isn't really much in history. They just often sing praises about their patrons.

What you are looking for might be a minstrel, especially a travelling minstrel.

A bard composing such ballad(?) as Battle of Vizenheim, I think, stretches the imagination too much. That is not the type of songs bards make.

But then, many people don't know what bards really are. I have seen many wrong representation of them in TV, movies and literature.

Bards also seem to become a generic term for ancient composers even to those who are clearly aren't bards.
Offline The Author Guy  
#28 Posted : Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:34:44 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Well, they aren't sages, but they repeat history.

You need to go back a bit more in time I think. Bards, as a particular example celtic bards are the carriers and holders of oral history.

It is they who sing the songs that tell people their history.

There is a reason they call Shakespeare "The Bard" because, yes, he entertains people with commedies and tragedies, but equally important were the history plays such as Richard III. For a public that is either largely illiterate, or if literate, than seriously lacking in reading material, plays and before that bards were how people learned history. Shakespeare is not sung, but it is poetry. So when they call this playwright, "the bard" they are hearkening back to an older tradition of Welsh, Irish, Scottish etc bards that were keepers of history.

Poetry and song are important in illiterate cultures because poetry is much easier to memorize than prose. If you look at early literature it's almost all poetry and this is because it had to be memorized and recited and passed on from generation to generation. It wasn't until after the printing press that we started getting a lot of prose (other than the bible of course)

So whether you call the person a bard, troubador, balladeer or minstral is I think somewhat historically and culturally dependent. I.e. which culture and when are we talking about.

Yes, Antefalken does actually make money penning theme songs and paens to demon lords, but he also composes ballads and sings them to entertain and inform people.

So anyway, beyond that in Astlan, bard is something of a generic term that wraps up a rather wide "set of professions" just as there are different types of animages, wizards, druids etc, there are different types of bards. I will be going into this starting in book ii but spinning out more in later books. We will see a lot more of bards in future works (include Tales of the Demon Bard)

There are, you should note, btw, "Spell Singers" or "Bardic Wizards" which are sonic oriented mana wielders.
Offline Rosver  
#29 Posted : Friday, February 27, 2015 12:46:59 AM(UTC)

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I think you make a mistake. Bards songs are about certain person, their patrons. They make songs about their battles, their accomplishement, etc. Of course these can sources of historical information but that is not the intended purpose.

I also don't realy remember that Bards are holders of oral history. Those are more of the jobs of storytellers which often are the troubadours or minstrels.

Shakespear is called The Bard for his poetic prowess and not for the subjects or genre of his works. Bards ARE poets in early times but their poetry are of specific kind. The meaning of the word become distorted in Shakespear's time however and the title of Bard is given to great poets, whatever genre of poetry they are making. Robert Burns (Auld Land Syne) and Alexander Pope (translation of Iliad) are notable example of poets who are also given the title of The Bard.

Well, though poetry and songs are memorable and has such functions in early times; not all poets and singers are bards. I almost wince at movies where a person who is carying a harp is called a bard when he do not have an even tiny bit of anything bardic. Just being able to play on a harp and sing ballads doesn't qualify them to being a bard.

You are right about culture though. The modern culture has very different idea of what a bard is, compared to what bards really are in medieval ages. The most common exposure that people get when talking about bards are humorous caricature and stereotypical depictions of bards in movies, games and cartoons.

And that last sentence of yours sounds like it comes from a video game and remind me of this series:

Edited by user Friday, February 27, 2015 1:18:36 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline The Author Guy  
#30 Posted : Friday, February 27, 2015 1:43:37 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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That's why I said Spell Singer. Now, it's not exactly the same, but on a genre level it is comparable.

There are a couple different schools of bardic magic some involve "singing runes" and/or certain intonations/frequencies of voice and instrument.

Not going to go into the full detail here, it might be in the Library...but I am not sure I've posted it.

The thing you need to keep in mind, this book and Astlan is not based on the medieval world, it's based on the stereotypical/idealized fantasy world.

I.e. bards/troubadours/minstrels whatever they might have been on earth are not the basis for these bards.

Bards in Astlan are based on a combination of

1) Tabletop RPG bards: D&D, Arduin, Tunnels & Tolls, Swords & Sorcery, ICE, and most importantly: ANIMUS 'THE GAME YOU'VE BEEN TRAINING YOUR ENTIRE LIFE FOR
2) Book bards: Spell Singer and maybe half a dozen other ones.
3) Movies/Pop Culture
4) Some actual historical figures

I'm not really aware of any video game I'm not going to include that. Oooh Guitar Hero meets World of Warcraft! Or Guitar Hero meets Diablo IV
Offline Madfox11  
#31 Posted : Friday, February 27, 2015 9:05:33 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: The Author Guy Go to Quoted Post

I'm not really aware of any video game I'm not going to include that. Oooh Guitar Hero meets World of Warcraft! Or Guitar Hero meets Diablo IV

The only video game bard (beyond from the D&D based games of course) I am aware of are from Dragon Age, were the difference between a bard and a minstrel is that bards are players in the Game, the political manouvering of the Orlesian nobility. In other words, they are a mix of entertainer/assassin/mostly spy for their noble patrons (if they are not young nobles them selves). They don't have spells perse (it is a speciality of the rogue class), but can perform magical songs that boost the fighting capabilities of their companions.

Personally I always stick to whatever definition the book gives a particular job name. For one thing, fantasy novels are rarely historically accurate and for another even historical accurate stuff has a tendency to change depending on the era selected or the time the story was written in RL or what ever source material the author chooses to use/belief.

@TAG: D&D bards don't have to have been at a particular event to have written balads about it, even if said balads are seens as historical accurate. Even if he was, how good is the memory of a demon anyway? Human memory is somewhat unreliable, and we don't even have to deal with centuries. Is that of demons better? If so, by how much?
Offline Rosver  
#32 Posted : Friday, February 27, 2015 1:40:44 PM(UTC)

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Wow! Your concept is quite exciting.

Its new though isn't it? Not a shred of it is present in the first book. It would have been great though if it was given even just a passing nod in the first book.

"The thing you need to keep in mind, this book and Astlan is not based on the medieval world, it's based on the stereotypical/idealized fantasy world."

Well, that is kinda weird. With castles, keeps, knights, plate armor, Nobles (Barons), that psuedo latin, bards... I was quite sure that Astlan is heavily based on medieval world. Also stereotypical/idealized fantasy world is medieval fantasy. It is the one you see in most fantasy games and literature.

To give contrast, compare yours to Ancient Greek/Roman Mythology worlds. Or Arabian fantasy world. Or the Asian inspired world of Avatar: The Legend of Aang, the Last Air Bender.

Actually, Tizzy and I had already discussed this.

So, with all the excitement, we are going to have a Spell Singer as a character?
I kinda like the Spell Singer serries (well, the first few) and having a similar character in Astlan sounds so exciting! Lets see some Tom vs Spell Singer battle!
Offline The Author Guy  
#33 Posted : Friday, February 27, 2015 10:43:45 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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I am not sure I get your distinction between medieval world and fantasy world.

Middle Earth is a fantasy world and it's based on medieval earth...most fantasy worlds are.

What I'm saying is that I'm basing it on fantasy worlds based on already inaccurate medieval worlds or something to that affect.

1) There is another bard showing up in book ii, technically he was in Book 0--the story that happened before this book, before Tom showed up. He was in prison in Oorstemoth until recently, along with some companions.
2) How do you know you haven't met a bard will magical powers already, who just didn't happen to use them? Think
3) Tales of the Demon Bard will focus on all sorts of bards and related people. Bard schools etc.

I agree, bards certainly don't have to have witnessed the events; some do, but I would guess that a lot are taken either from rehashing other stories/songs and or from reading what actual sages have written. But I am pretty sure a big part is plagiarism from other bards....

Offline Rosver  
#34 Posted : Sunday, March 1, 2015 1:27:20 AM(UTC)

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@The Author Guy

I understand what you are saying. And as far as I could tell, yours is based more in game versions of medieval fantasy. Games tend to distort the medieval world too much. Medieval world in literature tends to be accurate enough in many aspects, and many authors work for it to be so, not so in games.

1) We will meet this person in Book 2? Does this also means that Tom might go to Oorstemoth? If Tom is to actually meet this person you know.
2) You don't actually meet that person. Just because you bump into someone or this someone passed your field of vision doesn't mean you meet that person. Meeting requires some social interaction usually get acquainted with.
3) Hmmm. Lots of people singing eulogies for their patrons.

Ballads and such is doubtful in its historical accuracy. It would be passed from person to person and each person would embellish it somehow. There are a large number of versions of a single ballad and historians has to sift through them.

Though I doubt that bards can read. It is very rare to find people who can read in medieval times. Even the nobles can't read (or write), so why would bards be? People unable to write and read is the reason why they have poetry and ballads and other stuff is popular in the first place.
Offline The Author Guy  
#35 Posted : Sunday, March 1, 2015 6:08:57 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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1) Or maybe the bard will leave Oorstemoth...generally something fleeing prison are wont to do.
2) Think
3) Not exactly...for more clues take a look at the map, go north from Freehold.

Well, as far as games vs books in distorting reality. Counter Example books/stories: Xanth, Anything that has been told by Disney, Robert Asprin's MythAdventures, Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion, etc.

However, in the sense that I was writing the book and developing a game at the same time...there is a basis to your argument about a game. The book came first, then when a friend and I started developing our own RPG, I used Astlan as the world and codified the rules of the book into the game. So that's more of a game based on a book than vice versa, and now that the game is defunct, there is less of a tie in.

But, yes, overall the world is supposed to be a combination of fantasy books, fantasy RPG, and Video Games. So WoW, or table or online D&D, or Skyrim as well as movies Dragon Slayer (excellent classic fantasy btw---first movie from 1981), A Knight's Tale, etc are all influences

The world is my interpretation of a Fantasy Zeitgeist world.

Actually, in Astlan, there are official bardic tradtions, which are sort of like schools or unions, and to be licensed by them you would need to be able to read.
Obviously in some places there may be some self taught bards, but if you are 'licensed' or in a guild, you can read to some extent. This was less true a thousand years ago. Many bards can read multiple languages, and sing songs in them, even if they can't necessarily have a conversation in them.
Offline Rosver  
#36 Posted : Friday, March 6, 2015 6:40:51 AM(UTC)

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3) I was just joking. It is quite clear that your Bards isn't the typical medieval bard (which often are background characters) but quite a tour de force apparently.

Hmmm. Xanth... can't say it is medieval though. It has medieval elements yes, but a large part of it is non medieval. The stories also doesn't focus much on the medieval elements. Most of the medieval elements reside with the human side/community of Xanth, however, the stories often just follows characters wandering off somewhere and those somewheres isn't medieval. Xanth is more of a hodge podge with little of anything cohesive.

Disney isn't really very focused on its story world, most of it staying in the background (like Snow White), though they still get it fine enough even with the artistic license. The most detailed medieval world they made (for me) is in Robin Hood, and I think they got it mostly right even if it was populated by anthropomorphic animals.

I can't tell with the others because I haven't seen them. That would be one thing I should ought to look at.

Wait. You tried to make an RPG? You are more awesome than I thought Applause . Yes, you didn't finish it but it is still awesome.

What game engine did you use or plan to use? Or did you code from scratch? Or did you even started to write the program? Is it 2D or 3D (probably 2D but just want to ask)? Is the story finished even if the game is not?

It would be neat if we could see some of the game art that you had made.

Really, don't be too restrained by this. I don't really want you to be accurate to every detail especially if being inaccurate means more awesome story. Just keep the awesome part right.
Offline The Author Guy  
#37 Posted : Friday, March 6, 2015 4:47:45 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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It was a table RPG--like Dungeons and Dragons etc---this was pre MMPORG and pre-Doom. We are talking Shadowrun, Ultima I,II,II.., Final Fantasy 1, 2, maybe 3....for computer RPG's

What's funny though is that even in that day, when most RPG's had limited black and white crappy art (pre WarHammer) we knew that we needed art, more than most, so the guy I was writing with started soliciting all sorts of art from students at the local art school. It was mostly b&w art because we assumed b&w printing of the books with a glossy color cover/back. Then WarHammer came along a took game art to the next level beyond what we could afford to do.

I have written some simple video games, but I'm actually a boring programmer in that I mainly write business applications for companies and do data driven websites.
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#38 Posted : Sunday, March 8, 2015 2:01:08 AM(UTC)

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Wow, that is such a long long time ago.

I have a very little skill in programming, all of it I learn in school. I still have interest in softwares but mostly in using them instead of programming one. Might try to pick it again though. It seems to be a very important skill to have nowdays.
Offline The Author Guy  
#39 Posted : Sunday, March 8, 2015 2:17:04 AM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Tizzy and I are about the same age...

You will find out in book ii, he is more than 5,000 years old (or at least so he will claim)

Offline Rosver  
#40 Posted : Monday, March 9, 2015 11:13:03 PM(UTC)

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You're a demon too? Hmmm...

Tizzy did said that he visited the Mayan Civilization.
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